March 6th, 2014

Ever heard the saying, “Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day”? Well it’s true. Every March, people (re)connect with their Irish roots …no matter how far of an ancestral stretch it actually may be. Despite where your mama made ya,  St. Patrick’s Day at Fado is so big it’s an actual season- and not just […]

February 18th, 2014

I wouldn’t be too sure that Carrie Bradshaw and the Sex and City girls would still order that classic “Cosmo” if they were around to hit the town this Friday night. That Cosmo and Manolo shite is SO 1999. Industry big wigs with their fancy charts and graphs are telling everyone right now that brown […]

February 13th, 2014


January 3rd, 2014

If you’re reading you probably already know a bit about who we are so I will spare you some big intro. Let me start with this: working for our pub is good fun. I know this because I’ve been doing it for awhile now. Before that, it was my local, which means you can trust […]

December 18th, 2013

We are a few months into the Premiership season and, in my humble opinion, NBC has done alright by soccer fans with their coverage. They’ve got the right games on, the commentators are alright (ok, so who doesn’t think they could do a better job on the mic themselves) and they have done a pretty […]

October 22nd, 2013

10-26 | 9pm This year’s WRNR Halloween Bash at Fadó is based off one of our favorite scary movies – The Shining. Join us for the best Halloween party in town – Dos Equis, Strongbow, and scary shot drink specials plus a DJ spinning all night. The costume contest grand prize is a spooky trip […]

October 22nd, 2013

10.26 | 9pm Whats more fun than making fun of trashy celebrities? We all know them (ahem, Miley Cyrus) and after a few drinks we might end up acting like them anyway. Come dressed as your favorite down and out celebrity for the chance to win a keg party at the pub for you and […]

October 22nd, 2013

This Halloween get ready to get your freak on and show us your dark side….we’ll be delighted to show you ours. This year’s theme is Heroes & Villain so come decked out as your favorite super hero or arch nemesis (or whatever you damn well please!) Drink special all night and a costume contest with […]