September 24th, 2014

This time of year makes me giddy. The weather is fantastic, sports are in full swing and the beer is seasonal, fabulous and plentiful.  If you appreciate good beer-or even if you don’t-you can’t miss the plethora of options when you walk into a good beer bar or, Irish Pub- if you will (and you will). […]

September 9th, 2014

Fall is almost here and so is beer festival season! With it usually brings the kind of glorious weather that day-drinking sessions are made of! As a beer lover there is nothing more inspiring than a crisp Autumn day and no responsibilities except to “have a good time”. The brewers are hip to it too, […]

August 20th, 2014

Brunch is a very special social occasion in America and there isn’t a restaurant owner out there who isn’t putting their chef to the task of creating a menu just for it.  But, if you think about it, brunch really is a little weird.  Even a Publican can admit that a cocktail for breakfast is […]

August 7th, 2014

Yippee! Premiership starts August 16! Our Saturday and Sunday mornings are about to fill up with the best excuse to drink Guinness before noon, ever  …English Premier League soccer. Yep, we’ll proudly open our doors early each weekend for the next 9 months to show live EPL matches.  We also offer prizes with weekly predictor […]

August 3rd, 2014

I love my job. Not many people can say that and actually mean it. But, a couple of times a year, I REALLY love my job ….it’s about the time that seasonal drinks menu development chatter starts. And, then it happens. I get an email invite with a subject line that reads something to the […]

July 17th, 2014

After any good binge, there’s always that dreaded feeling of regret. You know it, right? It’s an irrational, melancholy take-over that (for me) so often happens after a great night out with friends and one too many.  Could be my age (yes, it’s because of my age) but I always wake up entirely too early […]

July 2nd, 2014

Fadó is an Irish Pub and we show soccer, football, footy, futebol ….whatever you want to call it, over 9 months out of the year. It’s been like that since we opened our doors over 18 years ago. It’s like The Law -only more serious.  Our fans from the beginning were largely expats and international […]

June 25th, 2014

Back in May, we wrote an entry ahead of the Champions League Final on this very important topic.  But, since the turn out for the World Cup has been tremendous (this never gets old and neither does this), an updated version ahead of the USA v Germany game tomorrow seemed prudent. So, if you are new to the […]

June 19th, 2014

“When USA scored against Ghana, the pub shook. Literally shook”.   That’s all I heard over and over on Monday. That statement & those pub videos were broadcast over the interwebs and text messages en masse because those USMNT soccer fans wanted to mark the fact that they were there and shared, with so many […]

June 11th, 2014

June 12 is the Big Day. We’ve been counting down for so long, I can’t believe it’s actually here! Because, for a soccer bar like Fadó, the preparation has been underway for months. You’re going to love what we’ve done to the place. Put it this way: We’re WAY more ready than Rio. Check this […]