If you’re reading you probably already know a bit about who we are so I will spare you some big intro.
Let me start with this: working for our pub is good fun. I know this because I’ve been doing it for awhile now. Before that, it was my local, which means you can trust that my dedication and disfunction runs deep. I have seen things evolve for the better over the past few years at the Pub and, if you don’t want to take my word for it (which is completely fair), consider the suits over at Guinness. They conducted a survey last year (and that gives me cred for just mentioning it, right?). They found that people are still crazy in love with Irish Pubs and interestingly enough …..for different reasons than you might think!
First, this ain’t your old man’s pub anymore. Yes, we’ve got Guinness, U2 and the GAA (it’s the national sport of Ireland. Look it up. It’s insane), but there is so much more. Taste buds have changed. Think sophisticated, modern, and dare I say evolved ….“Think Irish Pub 2.0”
Whatever you want to call it …but, by God, we like it!
Here are my Top 5 examples of the “Irish Pub 2.0” customer:
#1 I really love my Shepherd’s Pie but I need to leave room for my drink. Please pass the small bites.
#2 I always ask the bartender what rotating seasonal craft beer is on tap.
#3 I love a cocktail but keep it simple [and mix it with whisk(e)y please].
#4 I am an American and proudly support the US National Soccer Team. I also support a team from England’s Premiership. On any given Saturday morning you may find me at the Pub, watching EPL and giving my unsolicited opinion about the latest transfer buzz and, surprisingly, I‘m quite keen on the matter.
#5 I think Sunday is as important an occasion as Friday night. It’s where I like to process the weekend’s social news over a fantastic brunch, re-cooperate with vitamin-packed cocktails like Bloodys and Mimosas and watch some football (American and/or the other version).
Now, I know what you are thinking, “what’s so 2014 about drinking at a Pub on a Sunday afternoon?”
Because it’s all about your options now: delicious small plates of food or a full brunch menu, kick-ass crafts on tap or a nice pint of Guinness and a full range of fresh, simply made cocktails.