The 5 Types of People You See on St. Patrick’s Day

March 6th, 2014

Ever heard the saying, “Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day”?

Well it’s true. Every March, people (re)connect with their Irish roots …no matter how far of an ancestral stretch it actually may be.

Despite where your mama made ya,  St. Patrick’s Day at Fado is so big it’s an actual season- and not just a single day.  For us St. Patricks day is so big, so important, and so venerated that’s it’s an actual Institution-1,000 years in the making.

Sure, the craic is mighty, but what does it actually mean to commit to a party that celebrates drinking for Pete’s sake?


Well here’s a list of the Paddy’s Day Hall of Famers whose commitment year after year is the stuff of legend. We look forward to these friends attending every year:

“The Collector”

Do you enjoy souvenirs? Do you collect cups on St. Patrick’s Day to commemorate each delicious pint? Do you stack them up and save them?  If so, this badge of honor makes you our favorite hoarder and certainly a St. Patrick’s Day Hall of Famer.

“The Shot Caller”

Do like to buy shots?  This is YOUR DAY. The one time of year everyone is your best friend. Sure, generally shots are a way to get things started, but on St. Patrick’s Day shots are your go-to social calling card.

“The Socialist”

Have you ever gotten a little distracted by all the partying and the revelry that surrounds you? Lose your phone? Your friends? …and all before noon? Well, you never let that stop you. You press on. No Phone? Borrow one. No friends? You just make new ones over shots at the bar. You own this place, and we love you.

“The Veteran”

You know who you are. You are that spunky old timer who’s been rocking it since 1959. You want your Guinness in glass, none of that green dye shite, and a sit down dinner of Corned Beef and Cabbage on the big day. Nothing keeps you from the biggest party of the year.  You’ve seen enough Paddy’s days to make a lifetime and The “Most Interesting Man in The World”? Pffft. That guy is a poser. You taught him how to sink a car bomb. You’re the original “Erin go Bragh” and, your bar stool is waiting for you.

“The Magician”

It’s time for another round and it’s 10 deep at the bar. Everything seems lost, but you soldier on and, in record time, get your round before the dude next to you realizes his glass is almost empty. Your uncanny ability to flag down a bartender in a crowd is unrivaled. Your ability to calculate a tip is never diminished by a subtle buzz. Every member of the wait staff is awaiting your gaze.

Now, go and  commit yourself.

commit yourself graphic